Financial Aid

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy’s financial aid fund is generously provided by the Catholic Schools Foundation. Since we dispense Catholic Schools Foundation funds, we are required to follow their guidelines for the distribution of aid.

Returning Families:

Applications for returning families will be accepted until July 31, 2025.  In order to receive financial aid the following conditions must be met by July 31, 2025:

  • A completed financial aid application, including all required documentation.
  • The student is registered for the 2025-2026 school year
  • The family’s 2024-2025 school year tuition and after school balances are $0

New Families

We will accept financial aid applications for new families until July 31, 2025.  New students must be registered for the 2025-2026 by July 31, 2025 in order to receive financial aid.
Applications for returning families will be accepted until July 31, 2025. In order to receive financial aid the following conditions must be met by July 31, 2025:
  • A completed financial aid application, including all required documentation.
  • The student is registered for the 2025-2026 school year
  • The family’s 2024-2025 school year tuition and after school balances are $0

New families should submit the financial aid application online after they have been accepted in the Academy and have submitted the registration fee to the campus. If an application is received but the student is not registered with the campus, the application will not be considered for financial aid.

Any new family that does not submit the online application and upload or fax the 2024 federal tax return and/or non-taxable income documentation by July 31st to Grant & Aid will not receive financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year. It is very important that all families register and pay the registration fee at the campus prior to completing a financial aid application or the financial aid will not be allocated.


As in years past, the requirements for the financial aid application are as follows:

  • The financial aid applicant must claim the student on their personal tax return and students must be entering grades K2 to 8 to be eligible. We encourage our preschool aged families to complete a financial aid application in case scholarships are received, but these are not guaranteed, and financial aid cannot be allocated to preschool aged children. Learn more about vouchers for preschool aged children here.
  • The federal tax return for 2024 and W-2’s must be submitted and/or proof of nontaxable income if not working. These documents can be uploaded from your computer or faxed to 866-315-9264 (FACTS Grant & Aid). Please note SJPIICA is not responsible if FACTS does not receive or upload your taxes by the aforementioned deadlines.
  • Payments must be made through a FACTS automatic Payment Plan or financial aid will not be allocated; no exceptions.
  • All balances must be paid in full or financial aid cannot be awarded.
  • Any student receiving financial aid must have first paid their registration fee and submitted a re-enrollment contract to their campus.

Are you ready for the school year?

All families at Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy should have a FACTS account. Click on the link below to access your account or create a new account.