Faith Formation
The Academy works to ensure that its students develop knowledge and values of the Catholic faith and a capacity for lifelong learning, spiritual growth, and compassionate social engagement. A Catholic Faith Formation curriculum is used at all grade levels and Catholic values are emphasized in curriculum.
Every school day begins and ends with prayer. All students, whether Catholic or not, participate in religious and faith formation programming including regular liturgies, sacrament preparation, and special programs designed to further educate students about the teachings and values of the Catholic Church. Students in Grades 7 and 8 attend a retreat hosted by the campus ministry programs at local Catholic high schools.
Our teachers and staff do not just teach but are role models of Christian values and living. As mature Christian educators they are called to be One Body. We recognize the gift each person is to this community of faith. We sincerely support one another in difficulty, encourage one another in weakness, and challenge one another in growth.
Holy Days are full days of school and mass is celebrated during the school day. Parents are always welcome to attend Mass with their children.
Giving back to the community and to society is intrinsic to our misĀsion and our faith. Service is ingrained in the foundation of our educational curriculum. Our students actively participate in various initiatives to help the community locally and afar.
We work each day to provide our students an opportunity to know our loving God as well as become Christian leaders for the world.
The Academy is a legacy school of St. Angela, St. Ann, St. Gregory, St. Mark, St. Kevin, St. Margaret, Blessed Mother Teresa, St. Peter, and St. William parishes in Dorchester, MA.