Family Study Resources

Resources for digital learning. If you need assistance with accessing internet connection, please visit the City of Boston resources here.


Below you will find some great resources to help you support math at home. Please remember we do not expect you to teach your children, just to help them continue to explore and learn. Some of these are fun activities to do as a family, and others are for students to do independently. We know there are many other great resources out there, but we’ve chosen a few of the best to share.

Bridges, our K-5 program, has links to support math learning at home.  Click your student’s grade level and scroll down past the Unit Overviews for Additional Resources.  

Does your child have anxiety about math lessons? Check out this article for some helpful tips.

Visit our math coaching site here.

Bridges Math at Home
Lesley University Center for Math: Preschool - Grade 5

This is a great list that includes online and printable activities for preschool to Grade 5; available in English and Spanish.  Esta guía también está disponible en español en página trece.

Lesley University Caregiver Math Resources


Bedtime Math: Age 3+

This is a great tool for a quick activity you can do together each day as a family, even with kids as young as 3.  They also have a free app for your smartphone or tablet as well; in English and Spanish. Esta aplicación está disponible en español.


Math at Home with Young Children

This resource is specifically for our youngest learners—lots of ideas for math with your young child at home.


TODOS: Mathematics for All (English & Spanish)

This is a wonderful resource in Spanish and English to support math learning at home, including books to read and games support math learning.  Este recurso está disponible en español


Global Math Stories: Grades 6 - 8

This is more for older students (6th-8th) but can be done as a guided activity with younger students—read & discuss the story together and explore the extension questions & resources.  For students who want math practice, they can also attempt the Math Questions for each story (and share them with their teachers).  This resource is great for work across content – math, science, reading, and social studies/current events.


NCTM's Figure This! - Middle School

Figure This! demonstrates challenging middle school mathematics and emphasizes the importance of high-quality math education for all students.  Funding for the project was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Education.

Figure This! Mathematical challenges for families provide interesting math challenges that middle-school students can do at home with their families.


The academy has a subscription to Tumbleebooks. Use it for independent reading, group activities, story time, lessons, and more! And, as a digital library of animated talking picture books, it has the added bonus of being accessible – 24/7 – from any device with an internet connection.

Storyline Online

This is a small collection of picture book read-aloud videos with some amazing readers, including Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Yeoh, Kristen Bell and other actors.

Find Storyline here >

Boston Public Library Digital Resources

BPL is expanding digital resources—e-books, audiobooks, movies and more. All you need is a BPL Library card. If you cannot find yours or if do not have one, you can sign up for an e-Card online here.

The Boston Public Library offers free online homework help and mentorship provided by trained high-achieving high school students. Online Homework Help is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. starting April 27. Open to students in grades K-8 with no registration required. There is a limit of 15 students logged in at one time. Visit for more information.

BPL Digital Resources