MAP Testing
Are our students learning?
What is MAP?
Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), a research-based Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Suite of assessments helps Catholic school educators answer a crucial question: Are my students learning? By delivering precise, real time information about every student’s learning, MAP sets educators—and students—up for success.
The Archdiocese of Boston has partnered with NWEA to deliver the MAP assessment for all elementary schools. MAP is an online, norms based adaptive assessment that gives schools data to impact teaching and learning in every classroom, for every student. These assessments are used to measure student’s progress or growth in academic skills. They let teachers know where a student’s strengths are and if help is needed in any specific areas. Teachers use the growth and achievement data from MAP to develop targeted student-focused instructional strategies.
When is it administered?
Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy administers MAP to students in grades K2-8 three times a year, (October, January, and May.) These tests are untimed and offered in Reading, Language Usage, and Mathematics.
The Academy is a legacy school of St. Angela, St. Ann, St. Gregory, St. Mark, St. Kevin, St. Margaret, Blessed Mother Teresa, St. Peter, and St. William parishes in Dorchester, MA.